Hedge fund level of knowledge
served to professional investors

Low frequency directional automated algorithmic trading systems and uncorrelated portfolios available to trade on your account.

Consistency and growth regardless of the market’s behaviour

For more than 12 years we have developed and managed automated trading portfolios with proven consistent growth and satisfied customers from all over the world. Long term consistent growth in our strategies’ and portfolios’ value exists regardless of the direction of the markets.

Publicly traded
automated systems
Traded futures
Years of experience
Portfolios createdand managed

Our Trading Approach

Automated Trading Strategies

We monitor world financial and commodities markets and develop unique automated trading strategies to achieve stable returns in the long term and keep risk at the minimum possible level at the same time. We also personally trade using the strategies we offer.

Robust Portfolios

We combine the most successful automated trading strategies with low correlation into portfolios that have long-term suitable parameters, have low correlation and comparable risk. Thanks to this, they consistently achieve a very interesting appreciation in the long term.

Our Services

Services For Investors & Traders

Subscribe to any of our automated trading strategies, or let us design your own custom portfolio. Based on your desired account size and your goals we will provide you with a comprehensive automated trading strategy.

Services For Institutions

Take advantage of our many years of experience with trading automation, portfolio building, optimisation, risk management and active portfolio management.